New Years Savings Goals
“New Year, New Me!” is a phrase we hear constantly from the end of December through January every year. Everyone has big plans about how they’re going to lose weight, quit a bad habit, learn a new language, or maybe this year, spend less time watching Netflix. As a credit union, one resolution we hear often from our members is becoming more financially responsible, which is great!
We all know that change is hard, so we want to make things realistic. Instead of making drastic changes that will stress you out and probably stop around February, we want to make this a yearlong series about becoming more financially secure. Throughout the year, we’ll be sharing some savings tips and challenges that you can do to help you save more money.
First, look at your credit card and bank statements. Look for any recurring charges and consider canceling (or pausing) the subscription to see if you can live without the service and if your credit card has an annual fee, consider the benefits you get from that credit card. If you’re not benefiting from that card, consider a different card, like an AmeriChoice VISA credit card that doesn’t have an annual fee, has a low interest rate and also has an option for rewards.
Next, consider a Save the Change checking account with AmeriChoice. This is a great way to save small amounts of money every day without having to do anything, aside from using your AmeriChoice debit card. The best way to describe our Save the Change account is an electronic change jar. Every time you swipe your debit card, that purchase is rounded up to the next dollar and the difference is transferred into a separate account at the end of the day. Think about when you use cash and have a pocket full of change at the end of the day and drop it into your change jar at home, except everything is done electronically. On average, members can save about $15 a month in that account, which ends up being $180 a year. It might not seem like much, but remember, baby steps.
Try just these two things over the next few months and compare where you are today to where you are in the spring. As always, if you need help, don’t hesitate to reach out, we’re here to help!