Know BEFORE you Pokémon Go
The latest Pokemon Go craze has gotten millions of people captivated in trying to “catch ‘em all” – this smart phone app uses the camera to place Pokémon character images in real world settings on the phone’s display screen. Although the game is meant for fun and adventure, it has become dangerous in several ways for users.
First and foremost, download the correct app.
If you want to play Pokemon Go, make sure you are downloading the correct application from the Apple Store or Google Play. Installing the wrong app could lead to a bigger battle than trying to take over the gym nearest you. Since people around the world couldn’t wait to join in on the fun, there have been several “copy-cat” applications made to look, sound, and feel like you’re playing the original game, when in reality, they’ve just downloaded malware onto the mobile device. Malware is software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems. The compromised version of Pokemon Go will go through more steps, request extra permissions and has a malicious code added to it. The best way to avoid downloading malware would be to get the app from either the Apple Store or Google Play.
Next, sign up with a different email account
Although the app allows you to create a Pokemon account solely for the game, it also gives the option to sign in using your existing Google account. Most players have opted to use their Google account since the Pokemon account system has been slammed with so much traffic. This means that Pokemon Go will have full access to your Google account. That means your emails, contacts, pictures and anything else that is on your Google Drive has been handed over to the Pokemon Go makers. According to Google, as a result of giving full access to a mobile app, they can “see and modify nearly all information in your Google Account”. Instead of worrying about your personal information, create a new Google account with nothing in it, and use it just for the game.
Finally, be safe when playing!
The point of the Pokemon craze is to try to catch ‘em all. While playing the game, you’ll notice that you can find Pokemon just about anywhere and everywhere. That includes in garbage cans, behind your couch, in your backyard, and even in the middle of the road. This can create dangerous situations for Pokemon Go players. Stories have been released about how players have fallen or gotten into accidents because they are focused on catching a Pikachu on their phone screens. Battle gyms where players can play the game together have also been known to be in strange locations. It is best to accompany your Pokemon Go player when they are out and about and play the game safely.