Introducing Personal Financial Analysis
At AmeriChoice, we are always looking for new ways to help our members reach their financial goals. In 2015 we introduced our Personal Financial Analysis, which can help members be debt free much sooner than they thought possible, and in most cases end up with a sizeable nest egg in a savings account. We sat down with John Needs, Executive Vice President of Business and Mortgage Lending to talk about what the Personal Financial Analysis process looks like, and how it can help our members.
(Q): Why should someone have a Personal Financial Analysis done?
(A): When it comes to your personal health, a second opinion is sometimes invaluable. The same holds true for your financial health. Whether you feel as though you’re in a pretty good financial position, or if you would like to improve it, a second opinion might uncover options you didn’t even realize.
(Q): What does the Personal Financial Analysis involve?
(A): All you need to do a Personal Financial Analysis is a little information about your current debts gathered from either your personal records or from a recent credit report. To do an initial review, we will need current loan balances, monthly payment amounts, and total monthly income.
(Q): How long does the Personal Financial Analysis take?
(A): A Personal Financial Analysis is quick and painless! Provide us with information about your current debt, and your analysis can be ready in 30 minutes!
(Q): How much will the Personal Financial Analysis cost me?
(A): Nothing more than a little of your time! There is no cost nor obligation for our Personal Financial Analysis. And this is not a hard-sell. If we see that we can help you improve your financial position, we will present those options to you. If you are already in a good financial place, we will let you know that too.
To learn more about our Personal Financial Analysis or to begin the process today, visit https://www.americhoice.org/landing/personal-financial-analysis/