
We are excited to share that AmeriChoice is one of the first financial institutions in the Harrisburg area to offer eClosings for mortgages. We sat down with our Executive Vice President of Mortgage and Business Lending, John Needs to find out more about this new service AmeriChoice offers. As always, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our mortgage team, they’re happy to help!
Why should I do an eClosing?
An eClosing is time-saving, convenient, easy, and safe! Nowadays, social distancing and safety are at the forefront of everyone’s mind. With eClosing, you can review and sign most of the required documents in the comfort of your own home! A typical Mortgage Loan Closing can take an hour or more to review and sign all of the paperwork. eClosing can reduce that face-to-face time to as little as 5 minutes!
How does an eClosing work?
Your Settlement Agent will send you an email with a link to access the documents electronically. You will be able to review everything at your own pace and electronically sign the documents. If you have questions, you can reach out to us by phone or email or to the Settlement Agent. An eClosing will take care of most of the signing leaving only a few documents that require in-person signing with the Settlement Agent.
What technology do I need for an eClosing?
You will need a unique email address and access to your email account with a computer, laptop, or smart phone.
Is it safe/secure?
Yes. eClosing is safe and secure and every precaution has been taken to ensure the safety and security of your information.
What are the benefits to an eClosing?
Aside from the time-savings and convenience, an eClosing allows you to take your time and review the documents at your own pace. You will be able to ask any questions you might have without feeling pressured to rush through the signing process.