How CU Services Can Help Avoid Fraud Tactics
The 2016 Identity Fraud Study from Javelin Strategy & Research found that many consumers who do not trust their financial institutions are engaging in behavior that enables fraudsters to use their information for 75 percent longer.
The new EMV Chip cards have driven a change in fraud types, according to CUES – but that doesn’t mean that financial institutions aren’t a step ahead of the game.
It is important for those belonging to a financial institution to be aware of the services being offered for their protection. At AmeriChoice we have a team of experts who are dedicated to the protection of member accounts as if they were their own. We have many security features in place to protect identity and account information that goes beyond the eye.
One simple way to prevent being touched by a fraudster is to be aware and familiar with the services your financial institution offers such as online/mobile banking and eStatements. Being aware of what’s in your account and something as quick as checking your statements once a month could be the best defense against a fraudster.
We Are “Hands On”
As a credit union, we are fully committed to giving that personal touch so that each and every one of our members feels that they are neither forgotten nor unimportant. We verify addresses, zip codes and dates of birth with every call that comes in regarding a members’ account. AmeriChoice Branch Leads physically check on the branch ATM’s daily to make sure all is running smoothly, and also have in place an additional security feature so the ATM will shut down if a credit or debit card is being compromised in any way.
We will reach out to you personally!
Our EMV experts have come to know our members on a deeper level, and can easily detect a curious charge on a specific card if it comes up. AmeriChoice has a system of communication with members to be sure they are aware of suspicious card usage; If there is an unusual charge on a card, the account holder will receive a text message from AmeriChoice right away. The text message is followed up by a phone call, then a letter, ultimately culminating with an AmeriChoice representative reaching out to the member directly if there is further concern.
There is always that “what if” question – what if my account has been compromised? What will AmeriChoice do for me then?
AmeriChoice will issue you a new card right away, and make you are aware that you will not be liable for any purchases made. We will then monitor the account very closely on a daily basis until it is fully credited by the credit union.
Not sure if you’re taking advantage of our services? A financial services representative would be delighted to help! Make an appointment today!