Auto Loan Refinance 1% cash back
Remember when you bought your car and signed all the paperwork? Buried in the stack of papers somewhere was the information on the financing with the amount you borrowed, what your monthly payment would be and what your interest rate would be. If you signed it because you just wanted to get your car and get outta there, but are now realizing that the payments are too high, we can help you refinance AND get 1% cash back on the amount you finance with AmeriChoice!
Refinancing your auto loan can save you money and time on your loan. When you refinance, you’re borrowing only what you owe on the car, which will lower your payments and the interest rate will most likely be different. You also have the option of time when you refinance your loan. You can keep the payoff date roughly the same, or you can add a few months to your loan to lower your payments even more.
When you decide you want to refinance your loan, you’ll want to ask your current lender for a 10 day payoff, this will tell our Financial Service Representatives the amount you’ll need to borrow and where to send the check to pay off the other loan. Once you have the payoff, the application process shouldn’t take more than a few days and can be done over the phone or online. Once your refinance is approved, you’ll need to stop into one of our branches to sign some papers, or you can electronically sign your paperwork via DocuSign from the comfort and safety of your home, and then you’re good to go, we’ll take care of the rest.
And, for a limited time, when you refinance your auto loan through AmeriChoice, we’re giving 1% cash back on the amount you refinance (please note, the original auto loan must be from another lender, not AmeriChoice to qualify for the cash back). Yes! You can not only save money when you refinance your auto loan, but you’ll also receive 1% cash back from AmeriChoice.
If you would like to refinance, or have any questions about refinancing your auto loan, speak with one of our Financial Service Representatives or apply online today.