
Message from the President

Written by Anna May Nauss | Aug 25, 2014 11:34:16 AM

You hear us say it all the time. Experience the credit union difference.
But what does it really mean?

Credit unions have maintained a market share of approximately 6% over the past 100 years, while the largest 100 banks have grown to hold almost 75% ( We are a small but mighty force dedicated to the economic well-being of the communities we are a part of every day. We provide a membership that is more valuable than an account at a big name bank.

Because we’re a non-profit, our profits go back to our members instead of shareholders. These profits come in the form of lower loan rates, higher yields on savings accounts, and less fees on the products and services you need. We’re committed to helping our members reach their financial goals, and can devise solutions for every budget.

The credit union difference is also highlighted by our enhanced membership rewards program. As a member, you are already part of the program! It’s that simple. The program is designed to reward you for your allegiance to AmeriChoice. It allows you to earn more on deposits, save on loans, and enjoy discounts on our many products and services. Learn more about the program and the value of your membership.

As International Credit Union Day approaches this fall, it’s a wonderful time to tell your friends and family members exactly why a membership at our credit union is so valuable. On October 16th, 2014 encourage those closest to you to open an account with AmeriChoice and become part of an industry committed to local service and global good.

The word is getting out. Membership to credit unions just reached 100 million members nationwide! We may not hold the largest market share, but our value isn’t held in numbers, it’s held by the people we serve every day. We’re 100 million strong and ready to prove the credit union difference.


Anna May Nauss